
Our Story

Tis the story of a passionated duo, united by fate and a common passion for creative production. Young and dynamic, they have set forth to fulfil their dreams. And every project that is taken upon becomes an integral part of their dreams.
Bombay Stencil is a brain child of these passionate individuals. As the name suggests, this house of production exudes the spirit of Bombay.
Bombay Stencil is the right combination of emotions, zeal and accomplishments.
Bombay Stencil cherish their relationships with all their heart and nurture them with utmost care and creativity. Solving problems is the favourite part of their job. Come be a part of their "Big Indian Dream".

At Bombay Stencil, Our content usually is a perfect blend of culture, tales and entertainment. We like to relate, ideate & execute.
We've extensively explored all parts of India, we understand the local challenges and cultural nuances of India that makes executing shoots & events in India our specialization.
We have a vast canvas of working for leading broadcasters, production houses, media agencies and advertising giants based in India, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates.
The realization of an idea onto film, is what made us fall in love with what we do.

The Team

The Guy

Hasnain Husaini

The Creator, the maker, the producer, the one, the 'Guy'! With an experience of 10 years, he is the Godfather of Bombay Stencil. He carries the potential to entice you with a story and coffee at his favourite hangout. If nothing by the end of the conversation you will be a fan.

The Magician

Jay Kanojia

Our second guy is truly magical. With a flick of his magical wand he can turn you into whatever you want. With his years of experience in the creative industry, he brings on the table, is expertise gained through hands on experience and of course magic.